Steps To Getting Dog Urine Out of Carpet

Your carpets and pets both are loved by you. It is very difficult to balance both together. Being a pet parent you have to deal with the Pet Stain And Odour Removal and Dog Urine Cleaning on the carpet. Regardless of the good behaviour that you teach them, there can be accidents. The odour from those accidents will disturb you till you clean it properly. Whenever your dog pees on your carpet just act immediately for Carpet stain removal. The smell will not develop with this. You can apply for a commercial cleaner if any are available to you. Try some natural methods also such as baking soda and vinegar.

Golden retriever puppy looking guilty from his punishment; Shutterstock ID 237584218; PO: today

The following steps of getting the dog urine out of your carpet can guide you more:-

1. Use of commercial cleaners

After an accident, cleaning the urine immediately as much as possible. You can put an old towel on top of the urine and soak it up. Put some drops of dish detergent on the area. Settle some pieces of paper towel over the water and detergent solution. Press gently into the carpet. The excess of the urine will be absorbed in this way. Test a small part of the dish detergent on your carpet. You can check for any adverse or poor effects on your carpet.

2. Enzymatic cleaner

Once you are done with the blotting of the stain, target the same with an enzymatic cleaner. These cleaners will help you in the unsettling breakdown of the bacteria that produces pet odour. You can also get rid of the unwanted smell with this, else your dog will urinate again in the same area. Look for the instructions mentioned in your cleaner’s bottle. Spray the cleaner onto the spot and after it is dissolved let it dry. Use the enzymatic cleaner which is more effective and is formed to eliminate pet odour.

3. Use a mini vacuum

If the stain is settled in then a small wet vacuum can deep clean your carpet. If your dog is going to that place again and again then also using this vacuum is helpful. These are not so costly even you can borrow them also from your friend or rent one from any local store. Start running it by using some special cleaning solution made to treat pet odours and stains. Read the instructions carefully before using different types of wet vacuum.

4. Use of newspaper with cold water if the stains are fresh

Blot up a fresh pet stain immediately with any old newspaper and some cold water. Put a few layers of paper towel onto the stain and then make a covering of newspaper on it. Compress the newspapers for some minutes so that the urine can be soaked up. Then gently remove the newspapers and wash the area with cold water. Take out the excess water by using towels.

5. Use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda spray

You can use this solution to eliminate the odours or to get spotless carpets from dog urine. Make a mixture of distilled vinegar by combining it with two cups of warm water in a bowl. Add four tablespoons of baking soda and mix everything. Add this mixture to a spray bottle. Soak up the extra urine with paper towels. Squirt your carpet with the solution of baking soda and vinegar. Let it sit for five minutes. Blot the affected area with paper towels.

All about us

We will help your pet with urine and odour problems on your carpet by providing you with well-trained people with the right skills. They will solve your Pet Hair Removal from Carpet and Carpet Dirt Removal problems with the maximum effective results in the shortest time. After spending your precious money you will only demand good results, isn’t it? We believe in making the right impression, look professional. Our happy clients and customers are our assets. If we will meet all your carpet cleaning Melbourne needs then we can have a more repeated business. Check out our blog titled A Shift From Normal Carpeting Towards Green Carpeting – Why And How.

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